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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at Noon  CBS  January 17, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm PST

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diplomatic sources say the army's rescue attempt resulted in the deaths of some hostages. other reports indicate some hostages were released or escaped. >> can only say that we are deeply concerned about any loss of innocent life and are seeking clarity from the government of algeria. >> reporter: the in amenas natural gas complex sits on algeria's border with libya. 20 gunmen stormed the remote plant wednesday afternoon, separating algerian workers from about 40 foreign workers, including three americans. a state department source tells cbs news, the gunman carried ak- 47's and rpgs. some also had suicide vests. an al-qaeda-linked terrorist group that calls itself the masked brigade is claiming responsibility. their leader goes by an arabic nickname meaning one-eyed man. they took the hostages in
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protest of cooperation with french. leon panetta says the u.s. condemns the hostages taking. >> by all indications this is a terrorist attack. >> reporter: with u.s. support, the french military started bombing areas in mali last week to keep islamic groups from taking over the country. danielle nottingham, cbs news, the state department. this just in, the author of the popular long-running advice column "dear abby" has died. pauline phillips died wednesday after a long battle with alzheimer's disease. she was diagnosed in 2002. phillips' daughter has been the author of the column. pauline phillips was 94 years old. police hope a new sketch will catch the man who tried to take a little girl from her mother's arms. take a look at the man here. here's the sketch. late twenties, early thirties, 5' 6, medium build. his mother told investigators he smelled like motor oil when he tried to grab her 2-year-old
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daughter in the front yard of their east san jose home tuesday. nudists protesting on the streets of san francisco right now, as a federal judge considers the city's new ban on nude itty. anne makovec on the issue that's viewed as a matter of public health by one side and a first amendment right by the other. >> reporter: opponents hope the judge will block it from taking effect, while he has a chance to consider whether or not it's constitutional. the case is on behalf of four people, including one woman who feels nudity should be protected as expressive speech. she also thinks the ordinance violates the equal protection clause by exempting some events, like the fulton street fair and the pride parade. the board of supervisors gave the ban final approval in december in a raucous meeting, at which several people stripped naked in board chambers. the ordinance is set to go in effect on february 1st, prohibiting nudity on city
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streets, sidewalks, plazas and other public spaces. >> freedom becomes a political statement. that's why it should be considered as political speech, not to mention freedom of expression, such as the arts, for instance. >> reporter: the city attorney's office defends the ordinance and arrests that courts have consistently upheld nudity bans against similar challenges. the ban does not apply to children under 5 years old. if upheld, violators would face a first fine of $500 and would increase if violations continued. anne makovec, cbs 5. a $12,000 reward is up for grabs if you know where a stolen piece of oakland's history is. here it is. the historic gold box was stolen last week. the museum's insurance company is offering a $12,000 reward for its return. the box is 7 inches high and deep and 9 inches long. it was stolen during a break-in last week. well, this next story is the story we've been talking about all day long. the football player's girlfriend hoax. >> it's a strange one.
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it was the feel-good story of the college football season. now it's come to a very confusing end. notre dame's manti te'o dominated on the football field, just days after learning his grandmother and girlfriend died within hours of one another. turns out te'o's girlfriend never existed. now everyone wants to know, was te'o in on it or was he the victim of a terrible scam? >> i think she said something like i love you. >> reporter: it was a tragic love story that prompted a nationwide outpouring of grief for a college football star. man tie tayo's long-time girlfriend, lennay kay cue had lost her battle with leukemia, just hours after te'o's grandmother passed away. >> i couldn't do it without the support of my family and my girlfriend's memory. >> reporter: his coach even awarded his girlfriend a game ball. >> i award this game ball to lennay. and i would like manti to have this ball to take back to hawaii for her.
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>> reporter: but discovered lennay never existed. >> it's a big tragedy. it's going to be written up somewhere. it wasn't. there was no death notice. no obituary, no announcement of her funeral. >> reporter: in a hissy press conference wednesday, notre dame said the linebacker was the target of a hoax. >> it was a sophisticated hoax. manti was the victim of the hoax. >> reporter: te'o released a statement. over several months, i developed a relationship with a woman i met online. to realize the victim of what was apparently someone's sick joke and constant lies is painful and humiliating. >> i don't believe that te'o could be that dumb. >> reporter: the surreal chain of events have some speculating on te'o may have been in on the hoax. but as far as notre dame is concerned, they are sticking by their man. >> the single-most trusting human being i've ever met will
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never be able to trust in the same way again in his life. that's an incredible tragedy. >> reporter: and so are folks in te'o's hawaiian hometown. >> something's wrong. he's a good kid. he never would do anything like that. >> it's just sad that we have people like that in the world today. >> well, deadspin tracked down the actual girl whose photo was used to portray lennay. she says she doesn't know te'o and didn't know her image had been stolen. te'o is expected to hold a press conference later this afternoon, hopefully to shed a little light. >> i'm interested. >> such a head shaker. >> it is. still ahead, we save and save, but could paying for our kids to go to college be a bad thing? >> what a new study reveals about tuition and how it could be bad for grades. >> and a new approach for taking out the trash.
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why it could mean fewer bins, but more work for you. >> and from the weather center, it's nice to see the sunshine outside. but when might we see the rain again? i'll talk about that, coming up.
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[ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or why it doesn't have to be an adventure to stick to your new year's budget. because safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. right now, a case of arrowhead water is just $3.33. folgers is $7.99 for the large size. that's a huge deal.
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rise and shine. simply orange oj is just $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. last night.. the i- o-c has tist to return the . the international olympic committee wants lance armstrong's medal back. in a letter sent last night, the ioc has asked the cyclist to return the bronze medal he won in the 2000 sydney games because of his involvement in doping. armstrong was stripped of all seven of his tour de france titles last month. how about good news. the bay area's housing market is suddenly red-hot with a median house price jumping a big 32% since last year. prices haven't risen that fast
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since the eighties. the bay area has been one of the nation's strongest housing markets and one of the fastest to recover from the crash. last month's sales count was the highest for any december since 2006. republican state lawmakers are proposing a tuition freeze for california state university and university of california students. the freeze would last for at least seven years, while proposition 30 remains in effect. voters ainvolved the tax measure in november. some of the prop 30 revenues earmarked for higher education, but now the csu and uc boards could still raise student fees. a new national study suggests the more money parents contribute to their kids' college education, the lower their grades will be. uc sociology professor laura hamilton told the "new york times" the effect is modest, not big enough to make students fail out of college, but it's surprising because parents assume the more money they give, the better their child will perform in school. >> let the kids work!
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latest census shows a shift in california's population. latin immigrants no longer make up the majority of the state's immigrant population. instead, it's immigrants from asia. 42% of immigrants coming to the state were from latin america, 37 from asia. a decade later, 57% from asia, more than two times the 22% that come from latin america. well, it's green and a bit extreme. a new garbage collection program may be in store for palo alto, with fewer bins and more sorting for residents. cbs 5 reporter elissa harrington explains how it all works. >> reporter: it's garbage day in this palo alto neighborhood. in front of every house, these three bins. the blue bin for recyclables, green for garden trimmings and black for waste. but taking out the trash in this city could soon change. assistant public works director tells us about a pilot program voted on by the city council and starting in april. it will eliminate the black garbage can. >> trying to head towards zero
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waste. >> reporter: compostable items will be mixed two in this two- bin system. >> on a pilot basis, we'll have residents bag their kitchen scraps and put them in with the yard trimmings in their green cart. >> reporter: everything else will go in the blue cart. there are two main goals behind this project. one, to save resources and eliminate greenhouse gases. and two, to save money by reducing the number of garbage collections. about 700 households will be involved. as of now, an estimated 6000 tons of food scraps from palo altoans are sent to land fills each year. >> that goes that way, that goes that way. >> reporter: marshall smith, who lives in palo alto says he likes the idea of turning more waste into compost-- >> contaminating the recycle with a bunch of little garbage? might be more work than it's worth. >> reporter: he explains because humans aren't perfect at recycling anyway-- >> we put that through a processing line anyway and we have to sort out garbage from
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recyclables from the blue can now anyway. >> reporter: the pilot program lasts for one year. if successful, they will plan to spread the two-bin city throughout the city. elissa harrington, cbs 5. ready for a little sunshine? >> i am totally ready! >> i'm ready for a little rain! >> see, i like the sun! [ laughter ] >> i did my tease and i said rain. you said why! why rain! >> it's a week away. let us enjoy the sun. >> we'll wait to talk about the rain yet. right now, it's all about the sun shown. looking good outside right now. plenty of sunshine all the way to the coastline. hazy side. we've got a spare the air in effect this afternoon, as we're seeing a lot of pollutants building up in the atmosphere. that's because that strong ridge of high pressure sitting overhead. still clear and cold tonight, although probably not quite as cold as last night. looks like we stay on the next few days, warmer days ahead. temperatures right now, chilly into concord, 46 degrees. 55 in oakland.
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56 in livermore. 55 in san francisco. 54 degrees in san jose. here's that big dome of high pressure i've been talking about. that ridge sending any chance of rainfall well north to the bay area, all the way up into canada. we'll keep things nice and dry, at least through the weekend. after that, as we look towards the middle of next week, things get iffy. no rain yet. looks like the pattern's about to shift. mild for most folks around the bay area by this afternoon. a little on the hazy side, but not bad. temperatures looking like this. planning about 64 at morgan hill. 63 in san jose. 60 in half moon bay, getting ready for the mavericks contest, taking place this weekend. temperatures in the east bay, mainly into the 50s. as you get inside the bay, you'll see temperatures running up in the 50s and low 60s. the next couple of days, we'll see cool nights. not as cold, but still 20s and 30s. that's freezing, right, guys? >> that is freezing! >> thank you very much for that. >> very cold temperatures, but not as cold as it's been. next couple of days, mid-60s and mild conditions. and look at that, not a rain
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drop on that seven-day forecast! >> what about the clouds? >> maybe next week we talk about something i like to talk about. >> i just want to enjoy the sun, okay? >> you'll get to enjoy it. >> thank you, lawrence. well, every thursday we tell you about a local jefferson award winner. >> today, you'll see dozens of them, as sharon chen takes us to the 2012 medal ceremony. [ applause ] >> reporter: hundreds of people crowded into the herb theater in san francisco to pay tribute to the year's regional jefferson award winners, including the organization's cofounder, sam beard. >> the 50 people we're honoring here tonight, you are award winners, and so is sandra day o'connor. you're more important than the top national winners, because if we ever lost the spirit of volunteering, we would be a whole different country. >> reporter: five winners accepted special silver medals.
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their names will be recommended for national recognition. oakland's ora lee brown was honored for keeping her promise to oakland school children to fund their college educations. she told the audience her next goal is to open a boarding school for underprivileged kids. >> 95 to 98% of the students will graduate because any kid that is not in the classroom, mama brown will be up in the dorm. [ laughter ] >> reporter: catharine sonoma explained how teenagers preparing meals for the critically ill has changed. >> every teen has had someone look them in the eye and say thank you for saving my life. you're not the same after that happens, whether you're 15 or 55. >> reporter: her efforts included the developmental disabled in everyday activities, taking the opportunity to express a feeling common among all winners. >> being able to work with people and make a difference in
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their lives is the most rewarding feeling in the world. and i feel very blessed to be able to do work that i love. >> reporter: mark roofenot stepped up to the podium with a dog, and his organization to alert diabetics to a dangerous change in sugar levels. >> true happiness is not found in material possessions, but in reaching out in service to others and engaging yourself in what truly matters. >> reporter: all the year's winners put that philosophy to work around the bay area every day. we congratulate them all. sharon chen, cbs 5. >> yes, we do. still ahead, more than 3000- calorie meal. the restaurant with the highest caloric count in all the country. we'll share it with you, when we come back.
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the coun . well, they call it extreme eating. and you may be doing it and you don't have a clue. the country's most unhealthy restaurants might shock you. it's more than desserts you need to worry about. ihop's country fried steak, for example, and steak and eggs has 1700 calories. actually more than that. the cheesecake factory's bistro shrimp pasta has 3120 calories. and maggiano's veal porter
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house steak has more than 1900. that's before you even add side dishes to it! can you imagine! >> add the potatoes and all the other stuff. you're done. >> i would still eat it! >> bet you would! >> looks good. let's hope tony tantillo's three-cheese tort leany isn't on the list. >> here's tony table. this is spinach tort leany, which i love the spinach noodles, gives a nice flavor to it, stuffing it with cheese. we add the pasta water, because the cheese will thicken it up. >> we put the tortellini in there, now add the first one, ramano. >> very strong cheese. >> i like it, though. this is the parmesan, right on top. let that melt in there. >> always want to stir them up so they don't get stuck to any of the noodles. >> then we add the parsley and we plate this. now we're going to add some
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mozzarella on the very top. >> here's why i want to add it on top. look how pretty it is! >> it is pretty! and that's it, three-cheese tort lean knee. simple to make, very delicious. i want to make it at home again tonight! >> so cozy. >> thank you, bella! bye-bye. we got to eat this now. >> all in 57 seconds. >> amazing, isn't it? >> takes me an hour and a half and the kitchen's a mess. niner fans are getting ready for another big game this weekend. >> up next, one of the bay area's youngest superfans.
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food lovers... getting restaurant reviews right alongside health code viol . it's a perfect partnership for food lovers. >> getting restaurant reviews, right alongside health code violations. the one place consumers can see it all. that story and more, coming up tonight at 5:00. niner fans across the bay area are getting ready to show off red & gold pride over the weekend. >> that's right, and we want to see your 49ers pride before sunday's game against atlanta. our question is, is your kid a bigger fan than this little one? >> who's got it better than us? >> nobody! >> go-- >> niners! >> that's right! high-five! fist bump! show me your game face! >> i don't know, i think he would be hard to beat! this is nate right here, only 3
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1/2. you can tell he is a big 49er fan. show us your 49er fan photos and videos. e-mail them to you can also post them on our facebook page and we may share them on our show. >> lot of football on sunday. >> oh, i know it! >> wall to wall. >> exciting.
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>> liam: so, you're just putting
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this all on me? >> brooke: you're the man in the middle. >> liam: [ sighs ] apparently. >> brooke: i can't support you and hope if you can't get beyond that. hope thinks you will. i'm not so sure. i've had experience with this kind of thing. >> liam: you're asking a lot of me, brooke. >> brooke: so, are you saying i'm asking you for a commitment that you're not ready to make? >> bill: come to daddy my big boy. [ grunts ] i got you. i got you. not too small, is it? >> katie: no. it's just right. >> bill: daddy did good. >> katie: so, tell the truth. is this a bribe? >> bill: absolutely. what sane woman's gonna put up with me unless there's something in it for her? >> katie: oh, i think i gave up my claim to sanity the day i married you. >> bill: oh, you still have a few brain cells left. in fact, you know, you know certain things that i just don't, all women do, like why isn't his hair coming in fas


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